Early warning communication flow



This is the hierarchical and well structured flow of information in an organization. Husika’s information dissemination follows this which is mostly informed by an organization’s management structure. The various actors in the value chain will have user logins with varying privileges & ability to carry out various functions depending on level of access and designation.


This is a group that consist of users with shared interest or carrying out related activities for example farmers (ranging from Livestock to Crop farmers in large or small scale practise). Each node on Husika MIMS consists of channels.


A channel is a category or grouping of related content among Husika MIMS users. The channels help separate messages, discussions and notifications by purpose, department or topic.


This is an individual signed up to Husika MIMS who consumes data/info and relays feedback about the information they receive or reports incidences around them.
SMS Based Information Sharing

SMS Based Information Sharing

Husika MIMS avails well curated information and alerts to end users (the public) through a Short Messaging Service (SMS).

The info could be early warning messages eg weather forcast, drought updates or any other information which keep users

in the know about what is happening around them and how to avert risks if any of the events happening around them pose

any kind of danger. A user can also reply the messages they receive. The messages sent can be used to further asses

the situation on the ground or fetch more information regarding the issue at hand. This forms a basis of crowd sourcing

of data and also enhances collaboration. The end users are added by the various organizations which subscribe to Husika MIMS.

Mobile App Based Information Sharing

Mobile App Based Information Sharing

The Husika Android Application allows for new users to sign up, login and (by default) join the lowest user level which accommodates

the members of the public. Using the Husika Mobile App, an administrator to an organization can also add users and put them in their

respective channels. On the Mobile Application, a Husika user receives push notifications of alerts, trends and messages that are

also sent via SMS. A user can also post what they know on the timeline or the channel they belong. Here, users can see and react

on what others (within their level) post. This is a searchable archive of conversations by users which enhances collaboration.

Web App Access

Web App Access

Just like for the Husika Android Application, the Husika web platform allows for new users to sign up, login and (by default) join

the lowest user level which accommodates the members of the public. Using the Husika Web App, an administrator to an organization

can also add users and put them in their respective channels. On the Web Application, a Husika user receives notifications of alerts,

trends and messages that are also sent via SMS. A user can also post what they know on the timeline or the channel they belong. Here,

users can see and react on what others (within their level) post. This is a searchable archive of conversations by users which

enhances collaboration.